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Hormone Therapy Columbus, Ohio

Age Gracefully & 激素替代疗法让你感觉像你自己

If you find yourself saying, “I don’t feel bad, I just don’t feel good,” there’s a good possibility that hormonal imbalances are the culprit of your discomfort. Hormone therapy in Columbus, Ohio is one safe and effective solution to help you feel comfortable and confident again. Dr. Marguerite Weston will work with you to create a complete lifestyle plan that is unique to your goals, your lifestyle and your history!

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Donaldson hormone therapy patient


Patients often experience fatigue, muscle aches, changes in their cycle, stiffness in joints, weight gain, 荷尔蒙失衡导致粉刺和脱发. 为了确定你身体的化学信使是否出了问题. Weston will employ the DUTCH Test. This advanced hormone test uses urine and saliva samples to create a thorough profile of your unique adrenal hormones, sex hormones, melatonin, and metabolite levels.

The valuable information collected from the DUTCH Test and serum test and an all-encompassing interview gives Dr. 威斯顿找到你失衡的根本原因所需要的一切. Then we talk solutions — the life-changing therapies that will put you back in control of your body.

More Insight


  • 01

    Menstrual Irregularities

    经期主要由两种激素调节:雌激素和黄体酮. 引起月经不规律的原因有很多, 但在你的一生中,它们经常被荷尔蒙的变化所激活.

  • 02


    PMS symptoms may intensify as you approach your late 30s or 40s and enter the transition to menopause, known as perimenopause. This is particularly evident in women whose moods are responsive to fluctuations in hormone levels throughout the menstrual cycle.

  • 03


    Perimenopause is the transitional period before menopause and impacts women differently. 在此期间,雌激素和黄体酮的水平开始发生变化. 这会带来各种各样的症状, including hot flashes, decreased libido, mood changes and more.

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    Post Menopause

    At the end of menopause, 许多女性面临睡眠困难等问题, memory decline, night sweats, emotion changes and more. 激素疗法可以帮助缓解这些症状,提高整体生活质量.

  • 05

    Sexual Wellness

    Sexual behavior and function are regulated by concentrations of gonadal steroid hormones. 雌激素水平较低通常与阴道干燥和性欲下降有关. 黄体酮和睾酮的变化也会降低性欲.

  • 06

    Thyroid Dysfunction

    The thyroid is responsible for regulating weight, energy, metabolism, hair growth and more. 如果这个腺体分泌过多或过少的激素, 它可能会导致与那些敏感的身体过程相关的并发症.

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    Cortisol Levels

    Cortisol is the “stress hormone.” When levels of cortisol in the blood are low, it can cause sudden weight gain and decreased libido. 当水平高时,它们会导致失眠和焦虑. Lifestyle changes, dietary improvements, and hormone therapy can improve cortisol levels.

  • 08

    Pregnancy Planning

    我们采取一个整体的,自然的方法来准备你的身体受孕. 为了让怀孕更健康, we look at hormone imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, ovarian reserve, inflammation, and other lifestyle factors,

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    A hormonal imbalance can contribute to infertility by disrupting the delicate interplay of hormones necessary for the reproductive process. Balancing your hormones can help regulate the menstrual cycle and overall functioning of the reproductive organs.

What Treatments Do We Offer?

Perimenopause is the gradual transition into and out of menopause that women naturally experience as they age. While the process is organic, 对于许多患者来说,这并不一定使它变得舒适或常规. Dr. Weston and her team will create a plan that employs holistic lifestyle choices in tandem with safe perimenopausal treatments to help each patient as she prepares for this next stage in life.

Our Solutions Often Include:


  • Nutraceuticals
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Pharmaceuticals (when needed)

Bioidentical hormone therapy (sometimes referred to as “natural hormone therapy”) is a treatment plan designed to effectively balance or boost hormones in the body. 最常用于缓解围绝经期和更年期的症状, BHRT uses plant estrogens that are chemically identical to what we naturally make within our own bodies to improve the moderate and severe symptoms most commonly associated with menopause.

These Symptoms Include:


  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Disruptive mood swings
  • Weight gain/unwanted weight loss
  • Memory loss
  • Restlessness and trouble sleeping
  • 性欲减退和/或性交时疼痛

因为BHRT可以调节荷尔蒙, 这种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网也可以帮助降低患骨质疏松症的风险, cognitive decline, and cardiovascular disease. Some patients have also found a decrease in skin wrinkles and an increase in elasticity as a result of this unique hormone therapy option.

甲状腺负责控制你的新陈代谢. Without proper function, 甲状腺会引起一系列的问题, extending from forgetfulness, to eyesight issues, 严重的月经期及以后. Dr. 韦斯顿总是尽最大努力减少对药物的长期依赖, but certain circumstances may need drug-based solutions to yield optimal therapeutic outcomes.

Dr. 韦斯顿和她的团队会对你的甲状腺进行全面检查, and will work with you directly to customize a strategy to eventually remove medication from your routine.

Too much (or too little) cortisol in the blood can indicate an issue with the all-important adrenal glands. Our team will run a cortisol test to accurately and quantitatively understand how “stressed” your body is and identify any adrenaline-based dysfunction that may be disrupting your life.

过多的皮质醇未经澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网会增加你患高血压的风险, bone loss and Type 2 Diabetes. Too little cortisol could explain chronic fatigue, dizziness, mood swings and muscle weakness. The key is to catch the imbalance early before it gets worse and then design a sustainable plan to help regulate the stress hormone to a manageable level.

压力和荷尔蒙失衡是导致头发稀疏和脱落的根本原因. Disruptions in your body’s natural endocrine system caused by lifestyle factors can speed up this process and lead to noticeable hair loss. 为了让你的荷尔蒙恢复正常. Weston employs natural hormone therapies and medical-grade supplements that address the root cause of thinning to promote hair wellness from within.

Restore Your Hair & Prevent Future Shedding

如果你已经注意到头发稀疏的影响, our hair restoration solutions 是否可以结合激素疗法全面对抗脱发. PRP for hair growth is a targeted treatment that utilizes your body’s own growth hormones to stimulate dormant hair follicles & 保持和加强你的头发从根部脱落.

在女性的健康历程中,身体化学的变化是不变的, 尤其是在怀孕和分娩期间. 新妈妈们可能会被情绪和身体上的模糊症状所笼罩, anger, anxiety, 以及由雌激素和黄体酮等激素波动引起的抑郁症. Achieving an optimal hormonal balance during these periods can mean the difference between getting through and fully experiencing life-altering moments.

怀孕期间荷尔蒙变化, childbirth, and postpartum (followed by menopause and aging) each come with a unique set of challenges that require the right hormonal interventions at the right time. We will use our knowledge and tools to give you a healthy pregnancy and to help you feel supported all the way through your postpartum recovery.


哥伦布的激素替代疗法, Ohio is an incredible functional medicine solution that has helped countless patients reach maximum comfort and performance no matter where they are on their health journey. 如果你准备好做回自己了, 我们邀请您与我们取得澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台,并安排您的一对一咨询.

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