


阴道整型的 俄亥俄州哥伦布市


多余的唇组织会导致折叠, 活动和亲密行为时的挤压和不适, 当你照镜子时,你会看到一个悬挂的轮廓. Reduction labiaplasty is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that reduces the labia minora tissue, so that it is smoother and more proportionate with the labia majora skin around it and there is simply “less stuff.” We help hundreds of labiaplasty patients each year by improving function and appearance through tiny incisions with minimal downtime.



结合知识和同情心 & 经验

Dr. 杰弗里·唐纳森和博士. 米歇尔Sieffert是其中两位 俄亥俄州哥伦布市最好的阴唇整形外科医生. 他们已经建立了安全性和一致性的声誉,并取得了漂亮的结果. Both board-certified plastic surgeons have completed numerous successful vaginoplasty procedures — and many of their patients aren’t afraid to talk about their results!




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    Our skilled surgeons delicately trim excess tissue to decrease the size of an enlarged labia minora, 让澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台穿比基尼感觉更舒服, 瑜伽裤和紧身衣.

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    随着年龄的增长,许多女性会自然地出现大阴唇松弛和收缩. This is sometimes referred to as the “labial puff” and it can be addressed directly through labiaplasty surgery.

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    有两种方法可以减少阴蒂的外观. Both techniques involve excising unwanted tissue while preserving sensitivity and promoting personal comfort.

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    有些患者在站立时可能会出现大阴唇下垂, 在包括骑自行车在内的日常活动中也会感到不适, 穿特定的衣服,做爱. 阴唇成形术可以解决这些问题.

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    An enlarged labia may contribute to an increased susceptibility to urinary tract and yeast infections. 选择阴唇成形术可以解决这些问题, leading to improved hygiene and overall health by mitigating the likelihood of infections.

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    为美容目的而进行阴唇整形的决定是有效的. Our surgeons work directly with each patient by presenting realistic options and the ideal solutions to achieve the aesthetic goal.

改良楔形技术:Dr. 唐纳森的标志性阴唇成形术

Dr. Donaldson采用了一种改进的v形楔技术,具有许多优点,包括:

  • 保持阴蒂的完整性和感觉
  • 维持自然色素沉着
  • 防止变薄或破裂
  • 创造光滑和有吸引力的轮廓,几乎没有可见的疤痕
  • 长期耐用性
  • 在局麻下进行

在表面下烧灼微小的血管以防止瘀伤, clear dissolvable sutures are placed under surgical magnification to ensure proper alignment. 一旦完成,博士. 唐纳森使用抗生素软膏、镇静垫和冷敷. 这项技术大约需要30-60分钟才能完成.


Dr. 唐纳森讨论阴唇整形手术


不,我们的外科医生更喜欢在局部麻醉下进行阴唇成形术. This minimizes the inconvenience and potential complications associated with general anesthesia, 同时也降低了总的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网成本.

Some patients feel more comfortable undergoing labiaplasty while under general anesthesia at one of our local surgical centers. 根据您的喜好,我们也提供这个澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网.

阴道整型的 is a plastic surgery procedure that improves the function and appearance of the female genital area, usually including the labia minora (inner lips) and occasionally the labia majora (outer lips). 最常见的, excess skin is removed and elongated labia are “tucked” in order to create an aesthetically pleasing result that is smooth without 在组织 or protuberance.

有时,阴唇成形术被称为“阴道再生”或阴道成形术. 而阴唇成形术偶尔也会使阴唇变窄, 或者更紧的阴道开口, 阴道直径和解剖结构本身在手术中没有改变.

如果你不喜欢你的唇形或因松弛而感到不适, 在组织, 你可能需要做阴唇成形术. 除了美容增强, 阴唇成形术可以缓解阴唇肥大引起的症状.



  • 疼痛/刺激
  • 肿胀
  • 折叠
  • 尿路感染
  • 酵母菌感染
  • 性功能障碍

额外的注意事项 & 生活方式因素

小阴唇和大阴唇可以缩短和重塑. However, there are certain limitations and it is important to have realistic expectations. 手术前,澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台应该保持身体和精神上的健康, 因为它纯粹是选择性的,不澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网抑郁症, 焦虑, 身体意象或性障碍. Discuss your unique circumstances with our team during your consultation so we may help you make the right choice.

我们的团队澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网了许多唇部肥大的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台. 他们明白谨慎是最重要的, 他们总是会以同情和理解的态度对待你.

Informed patients are often more satisfied with their results and more comfortable throughout the procedure because there are no surprises! 在您的咨询期间, our team will address your personal concerns and questions concerning the procedure and subsequent recovery.



  • 疤痕
  • 怀孕
  • 性性能
  • 感觉
  • 复苏
  • 月经
  • 不对称

每个澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台都有独特的解剖结构, 目标和期望最终决定了每个独特的操作. Your consultation is crucial in order to communicate these circumstances and arrive at a mutual understanding of your specific situation. After carefully considering your medical history, physical exam, aesthetic goals, Dr. Donaldson或Dr. 西弗特将帮助您制定个性化的手术计划. 他们将详细解释手术步骤, 概述恢复阶段, 并提出护理手术部位的建议,以确保适当的愈合.

规划 & 让你获得最大的成功

Our team will help decide whether any other medical referrals are necessary and whether to avoid certain medications. Patients should stop smoking for at least two weeks before and two weeks after surgery. Smoking inhibits the body’s ability to heal, prolongs recovery time and might affect the end result.

我们的大多数患者都喜欢在局部麻醉下进行阴唇成形术. 这有助于降低成本, improve recovery times and avoid any potential risk that comes from general anesthesia. 然而,我们的外科医生提供两种方法来适应所有的偏好. Once you are completely comfortable and completely numb – no sensation at all in the genital area — excess tissue is meticulously removed from the labia minora.

阴唇成形术是一种微创的门诊手术, 这意味着患者可以在同一天回家. Dr. Donaldson或Dr. 在您离开之前,Sieffert和工作人员会再次解决您的任何问题或疑虑, 详细的善后护理说明将会被重申.

遗传学, childbirth and age can all contribute to labial hypertrophy (enlargement and stretching) of the labia. 这可能会引起功能和/或外观问题,包括:


这些问题可通过阴唇成形术加以纠正, 什么能帮助澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台恢复他们的活动, 性与自尊.

Dr. Donaldson和Dr. Sieffert在手术中负责处理脆弱的组织, 哪种手术更安全, 更快的恢复和更舒适的整体体验.

感到轻微的疼痛是正常的, 燃烧, 术后第一天或两天手术部位周围出现瘀伤和肿胀. 鼓励患者继续使用软膏和冷敷, 服用口服止痛药,并考虑特定的顺势疗法. 最初应限制身体活动,以避免摩擦和肿胀, 宽松的衣服可能是最舒服的.

Most patients return to work after a few days but should refrain from exercise and other strenuous activity for a full two to three weeks. 性, 骑马, bicycles and other forms of direct pressure should be avoided for approximately 4-6 weeks. 润滑剂, 在愈合得到证实之前,建议使用填充物并多加小心, 外观和感觉都恢复正常了.

唇部肥大因分娩而引起或加重, labiaplasty is often just one procedure amidst a more comprehensive surgical plan called 妈妈改造. This refers to a combination of operations that counteract the physical changes from pregnancy, 分娩和母乳喂养.



  • 隆胸
  • 隆胸或缩胸
  • 腹部除皱
  • 抽脂术
  • 阴道整型的

妈咪大变身 帮助女性在生完孩子后重新掌控自己的身体. 因为这个过程对每个澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的影响是不同的, 手术方法是完全可定制的. 许多患者发现阴唇成形术是他们计划中至关重要的修复部分.


Not every patient is a candidate for labiaplasty — most often because their unique situation doesn’t actually require surgery! We have established a number of nonsurgical treatments to address the concerns of these patients, 包括:

  • 的O-Shot: a non-surgical procedure that uses natural growth factor injections to improve sexual satisfaction and address issues with female intimacy
  • diVa激光澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网: an advanced non-surgical treatment that utilizes fractional laser technology to improve sensation, 轻度失禁, 干燥和刺激
  • diVaTyte: a non-ablative laser procedure that utilizes infrared light to promote collagen production, 从而改善生殖器部位的肤色


你不再需要调整你的生活方式, 限制你的体育活动, 由于唇部组织肿大而回避亲密关系或穿不同的衣服. 在俄亥俄州哥伦布市,阴唇成形术是一种门诊手术,停机时间最短. We invite you to get in touch with us today and schedule your private consultation with our team.

